Polygeia is excited to announce that it is launching its new Journal of Global Health and Policy! This journal will provide a new platform for students and early career professionals to publish on topics related to global health and health policy, allowing us to engage with an international audience beyond our branch-focused research projects. Additionally, this journal will create a new opportunity for students and early career professionals to become involved with Polygeia by allowing students to gain experience in the peer review process as either an author or reviewer.
We will be seeking articles that cover a breadth of global health issues, including but certainly not limited to mental health, women's health, politics in global health, neglected tropical diseases, non-communicable diseases, technology in healthcare, migrant and refugee health, infectious diseases, and the impact of climate change on global health. In addition to a diverse number of topics, we will also be accepting a range of articles beyond traditional research manuscripts and literature reviews, extending to policy briefs, commentaries, and news & careers articles. Accepted abstracts for our Annual Conference will also be published in this journal. As our aim is to provide young individuals the opportunity to publish, lead authors should either be a currently enrolled student or an early career professional that has not graduated more than 5 years at the date of submission.
This journal will operate on the principles of open peer-review and open access, as we believe this is fundamental towards building a scientific community that is open and accessible to all. The journal will also have an advisory board consisting of various academics and policy professionals guiding us through the publication process.
As we look towards publishing our inaugural issue at the end of 2020, we will be looking for keen students and early career professionals with strong research and/or editorial skills to join our team as Research Editors and Copy Editors from around the world. We will also be releasing information on how to get involved as a peer-reviewer in due course.
We feel this new journal will continue building on Polygeia’s mission to empower students to research and write on issues related to global health. Additionally, beyond creating a new platform for research dissemination, we look forward towards building one that truly captures the term “peer-review” by publishing original works that are both written and reviewed by ambitious students and early career researchers from across the globe.
Research Editor Application: Link
Copy Editor Application: Link