2019 Conference
Kings College London
Great Hall, Strand Campus, WC2R 2LS
Saturday 9th November 2019
Save the date!
Anyone and Everyone is encouraged to come!
Previous delegates have included students, academics, policy makers and members of the public.
If you are interested in global health, then this is for you

Polly is a post-doctoral research fellow on the Wellcome Trust-funded project “But why is that better?”, which investigates how applied philosophy and ethics can inform and support healthcare quality improvement. “But why is that better” explores the complex and contested concepts of healthcare quality and healthcare quality improvement. We seek to work within quality improvement, using the tools of applied philosophy, to address some of the ethical and conceptual challenges faced by researchers and quality improvement practitioners. Outside of the project, Polly's research broadly concerns the philosophy of health and well-being. In particular, she thinks and writes about the definition and measurement of health and well-being, and the role that measures of health and well-being play in healthcare decision-making and public policy.
Dr Polly Mitchell
Robert Yates is an internationally recognized expert on universal health coverage (UHC) and progressive health financing. At Chatham House he was previously project director of the UHC Policy Forum before becoming head of the Centre on Global Health Security. His principal area of expertise is in the political economy of UHC, with a focus on advising political leaders and government ministries on how to plan, finance and implement national UHC reforms.
Robert Yates

Professor of US History and Director of the Institute of the Americas at UCL since 2014. His current project, tentatively entitled Unhealthy Bodies: Health Care and the Rights Revolution since the Sixties, aims to unite the two phenomena of rights politics and health care delivery politics to help us understand how the sexual and gender dynamics of medical care in the US shed significant light on the political culture of the nation at a time of significant political change in the era of government and health care retrenchment that began in the seventies and grew considerably in the Reagan era. The project shows that both state and private conceptions of gender and sexuality impacted upon their ability to provide health care to a diverse population, and demonstrates how a private-public delivery system drastically impacted upon the ability of rights movements to translate basic legal rights into full-blown economic citizenship, a question of vital public importance today on both sides of the Atlantic.
Prof. Jonathan Bell
Marta is the Executive Director of the UK Collaborative on Development Research. She leads UKCDR providing high-level engagement and strategic coordination of the SCOR Board. Marta previously led the development of the UK Department of Health’s first NIHR Global Health Research Programme, while on secondment from Wellcome, where she had been developing and implementing a wider range of Wellcome’s strategic research funding partnerships and capacity strengthening initiatives in developing countries.
Marta Tufet